Crochet Cabled Crew Neck Sweater

• U.S. size G-6 (4mm) crochet hook, or size required for gauge
• U.S. size E-4 (3.5mm) crochet hook
• Yarn needle

Men’s Small (Medium, Large, Extra Large) 
Finished measurements
Chest: 42 (47, 52, 57)"
Length: 25½ (26¾, 26¾, 28)"

Stitches used 
  • Single crochet
  • Half double crochet
  • Post stitches

Techniques used

16 sts and 12 rows = 4" (10cm) incable patt using larger hook

Special abbreviations
FPdtr (front post double treble): [Yo] 3 times, insert hook from front to back to front around post of st indicated,yo and pull up a loop around the post of st, [yo and draw through 2 loops] 4 times to complete dtr.
FPtr (front post treble crochet): [Yo] twice, insert hook from front to back to front around post of st indicated, yo and pull up a loop around the post of st, [yo and raw through 2 loops] 3 times to complete tr.
RC (right cable): Skip next 2 sts,FPdtr around post of next 2 sts 2 rows below, working behind  2 poststs just worked, FPdtr around post of 2 skipped sts 2 rows below.
LC (left cable): Skip next 2 sts, FPdtr around post of next 2 sts 2 rows below, working in front of 2 post sts just worked, FPdtr around post of 2 skipped sts 2 rows below. 


Sideways rib
Foundation row (RS): Sc 1 in second ch from hook and in each ch across, turn.
Row 1: Ch 1, sc 1 in blo of each sc across, turn.
Rep row 1 for patt.

Foundation row (RS): Hdc 1 in 3rd ch from hook and in each ch across, turn.
Rows 1 and 3 (WS): Ch 2 (counts as fi rst st here and throughout), hdc 1 in each st across, ending with hdc 1 in top of t-ch, turn.
Row 2: Ch 2, hdc 3, *RC, skip sts used in cable, FPtr in next 2 sts 2 rows below, hdc 4; rep from * across, RC, skip sts used in cable,FPtr in next 2 sts 2 rows below, hdc 3, hdc 1 in top of t-ch, turn.
Row 4: Ch 2, hdc 3, *FPtr in next 2 sts 2 rows below, LC, hdc 4; rep from * across, ending with FPtr in next 2 sts 2 rows below, LC, hdc 3,hdc 1 in top of t-ch, turn.
Rep rows 1–4 for patt.

To inc 1 st, work 2 hdc in same st.
To dec 1 st, work hdc2tog. Work allincreases and decreases 1 st in from edge.
Always skip hdc behind every front post st made.
After armhole shaping, omit cabled sections where there are only enough sts for partial cables; work in hdc over edge sts instead.

With smaller hook, ch 16. Work in sideways rib patt on 15 sts until piece, when slightly stretched, measures approx 19 (21½, 24, 26½)" from beg. Fasten off.
With larger hook, join yarn to right edge of one longer side of ribbed piece, and ch 1. Work 84 (94, 104,114) sc evenly spaced along long edge of ribbed piece. Ch 2, turn. 
Beg cable patt and work even until piece measures approx 16¼" from beg, ending with a WS row. Do not ch 2. Turn.

Shape armholes
Next row (RS): Sl st in fi rst 7 (9, 11,13) sts, ch 2, work in patt until 6 (8,10, 12) sts rem in row. Ch 2, turn,leaving rest of row unworked. (72[78, 84, 90] sts)
Work even in patt until piece measures approx 24½ (25¾, 25¾,27)" from beg, ending with a WS row.

Shape neck
Next row (RS): Work across fi rst 21 (24, 27, 30) sts, ch 2, turn, leaving rest of row unworked.
Dec 1 st at neck edge once. (20 [23,26, 29] sts on this side)
Work even in patt until piece measures approx 25½ (26¾, 26¾,28)" from beg. Fasten off.
For second side of neck, with RS facing, skip center 30 sts, join yarn with a sl st to next st, ch 2, and complete same as fi rst side.

Work same as back until piece measures approx 22½ (23¾, 23¾, 25)" from beg, ending with a WS row.
Shape neck
Next row (RS): Work across fi rst 25 (28, 31, 34) sts, ch 2, turn, leaving rest of row unworked.
Dec 1 st at neck edge every row 5 times. (20 [23, 26, 29] sts on this side)
Work even in patt until this side measures same as back to shoulders. Fasten off. 
For second side of neck, with RS facing, skip center 22 sts, join yarn with a sl st to next st, ch 2, and complete same as fi rst side.

With smaller hook, ch 16. Work in sideways rib patt on 15 sts until piece, when slightly stretched, measures approx 8" from beg.
Fasten off.
With larger hook, join yarn to right edge of one longer side of ribbed piece, and ch 1. Work 34 sc evenly spaced along long edge of ribbed piece. Ch 2, turn.
Beg cable patt, inc 1 st each side every row 0 (4, 6, 18) times, every other row 15 (21, 19, 12) times, then every 4 rows 5 (0, 0, 0) times. (74[84, 84, 94] sts)
Work even in patt until sleeve measures approx 21 (20¾, 20, 20)"from beg. Fasten off.

Sew shoulder seams. 
With smaller hook, ch 7. 
Work in sideways rib patt until piece when slightly stretched fi ts around neckline. (6 sc each row) Fasten off. 
Sew foundation row of neckband to last row of neckband. Sewing through back loops of each sc, 
sew neckband in place in neckline,placing seam at center of back neck.
Set in sleeves. Sew sleeve and side seams. 
Weave in ends. Block. 

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