Crochet Stylish Sweater


  • •U.S. size F-5 (3.75mm) 
  • crochet hook, or size required for gauge
  • Stitch markers
  • Yarn needle


Women’s Small/Medium (Large/ Extra Large, 2X/3X)  

Finished measurements
Length: 26 (28, 30)" Width (cuff to cuff): 56 (60, 64)"

Sitches Used
  • Single crochet

  • Double crochet
  • Treble crochet
  • Esc (extended sc)

 ( Look  Crochet Basic Page )


3 repeats = 4" (10cm) in lace patt 

Special abbreviation

Esc (extended sc): Pull up a loop in indicated st, yo and draw through 1 loop, yo and draw through 2 loops.



Row 1 (RS): Skip 7 ch, sc 1 in 8th ch from hook and in next 2 ch, *ch 5, skip 3 ch, sc 1 in next 3 ch; rep from * to last 2 ch, ch 2, skip next ch, dc 1 in last ch.
Row 2: Ch 1, sc 1 in fi rst dc, skip ch-2 sp, *ch 3, skip 1 st, sc 1 in next st, skip 1 st, ch 3, sc 1 in next ch-sp; rep from * across, sc 1 in 3rd ch of t-ch.
Row 3: Ch 1, sc 1 in fi rst sc, *sc 1 in next ch-sp, ch 5, sc 1 in next ch-sp, sc 1 in next sc; rep from * across.
Row 4: Ch 1, sc 1 in fi rst sc, skip 1 st, *ch 3, sc 1 in next ch-sp, ch 3, skip 1 st, sc 1 in next st, skip 1 st; rep from * to last ch-sp, ch 3, sc 1 in last ch-sp, ch 3, sc 1 in last sc.
Row 5: Ch 6, sc 1 in fi rst ch-sp, sc 1 in next sc, *sc 1 in next ch-sp, ch 5, sc 1 in next ch-sp, sc 1 in  next sc; rep from * to last ch-sp, sc 1 in last sp, ch 2, tr 1 in last sc.
Row 6: Ch 1, sc 1 in tr, *ch 3, skip 1 st, sc 1 in next st, skip 1 st, ch 3, sc 1 in next ch-sp; rep from * across.

Rep rows 3–6 for patt, working final row as follows:
Final row: Ch 1, sc 1 in fi rst sc, *sc 1 in next ch-sp, ch 3, sc 1 in next ch-sp, sc 1 in next sc; rep from * across.

Back piece

Ch 198 (216, 234).
Work in lace patt for 74 (86, 94) rows, then work fi nal row of lace patt. Fasten off. 

Front piece
Ch 37 (40, 43).
Row 1: Skip 2 ch, esc in 3rd ch from hook and in each ch across. (35 [38, 41] esc)
Row 2: Ch 2 (does not count as a st), esc in each st across.
Rep row 2 until piece measures 64 (69, 74)".

Fasten off.

Block pieces to measurements.

Pm at right and left edges of back piece, 12 (13, 14)" below top edge.
Ch 32.
Row 1 (RS): Sc 1 in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across. (31 sc)
Rows 2 and 3: Ch 1, sc 1 in blo of each st across.
Row 4: Ch 3 (counts as 1 dc), dc 1 in each st across.
Row 5: Ch 1, sc 1 in each st across.
Rep rows 2–5 until piece measures 9¾ (10½, 11¼)".
Fasten off. 

Sew right edge of cuff to top 12 (13, 14)" at left edge of back piece (marked),easing in extra fabric from back piece.
Sew cuff seam (foundation row of cuff to top row of cuff).
Work other cuff in same manner,joining to right edge of back piece.

With RS facing, pm at one long edge of front piece, one 14 (15, 16)" below top edge, and one 14 (15, 16)" above foundation row.
Sew bottom 14 (15, 16)" of front piece to bottom 14 (15, 16)" at right edge of back piece.
Sew top 14 (15, 16)" of front piece to bottom 14 (15, 16)" at left edge of back piece.
Sew rem 36 (39, 42)" at left edge of front piece to top edge of back piece, easing in extra fabric from back piece.
Weave in ends. 

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