Crochet Pillowcase Edgings

 To fit a standard-size pillowcase
  • For the set: 1 x 50g (155m) ball of  Cotton (100% cotton) in each of Blue Layette (N05), Rose Layette (N06) and Ivory (N02).
  • 1 x 100g (280m) ball of DMC Petra 3 (100% cotton) in Red (5321)*.
  • Size 3.00 crochet hook
  •  a sewing or tapestry needle.

For each edging: 3½ repeats to measure 10cm, using 3.00 hook.
Ch, chain;
 st, stitch; 
dc, double crochet;
tr, treble; 
chsp, chain space.
Yarn amounts are based on average requirements and are therefore approx.
Instructions in square brackets are worked as stated after 2nd bracket.

Blue shelled edging

Foundation round: With sewing needle and Bleu Layette, work 79 blanket stitches evenly around open edge of pillowcase and fasten off.

1st row: Rejoin Bleu Layette to corner of pillowcase and with 3.00 hook work 1ch (does not count as a st), [2dc in next blanket st] to end, turn – 158 sts.

2nd row: 3ch (counts as 1tr), 1tr in next dc, [1ch, miss next dc, 1tr in each of next 2dc] to end, turn.

3rd row: 1ch (does not count as a st), 1dc in first tr, 2ch, 1dc in next chsp, [4ch, 1dc in next chsp] to last 2tr, 2ch, 1dc in 3rd of 3ch, turn.

4th row: 3ch (counts as 1dc and 2ch), 1dc in next 2-chsp, 5tr in next 4-chsp, [1dc in next 4-chsp, 5tr in next 4-chsp] to last 2-chsp, 1dc in 2-chsp, 2ch, 1dc in last dc.
Fasten off and join side seam.

Red shelled edging

With Red, work as given for Blue shelled edging.

Pink shelled edging

Foundation round: With sewing needle  and Rose Layette, work 81 blanket stitches evenly around open edge of pillowcase and fasten off.

1st row: Rejoin Rose Layette to corner of pillowcase and with 3.00 hook work 1ch (does not count as a st), [2dc in next blanket st] to end, turn – 162 sts.

2nd row: 6ch (counts as 1tr and 3ch), miss first 3dc, 1dc in next dc,  [5ch, miss next 4dc, 1dc in next dc] to last 3dc, 3ch, miss next 2dc, 1tr in last dc, turn.

3rd row: 4ch (counts as 1dc and 3ch), 3dc in next 3-chsp, 1dc in next dc, [work 3dc, 3ch and 3dc all in next 5-chsp, 1dc in next dc] to last 6ch, 3dc in chsp, 3ch, 1dc in 3rd of  6ch, turn.

4th row: 1ch (does not count as a st), 1dc in first 3-chsp, [5ch, 1dc in next 3-chsp] to end, turn.

5th row: 1ch (does not count as a st), 1dc in first dc, [1ch, 6tr in next 5-chsp, 1ch, 1dc in next dc] to end.

Fasten off and join side seam.

Ivory picot edging

Foundation round: With sewing needle and Ivory, work 80 blanket stitches evenly around open edge of pillowcase and fasten off.

1st row: Rejoin Ivory to corner of pillowcase and with 3.00 hook work 1ch (counts as 1dc), [2dc in next blanket st] to end, turn – 161 sts.

2nd row: 1ch (does not count as a st), 1dc in first dc, [5ch, miss next 3dc, 1dc in next dc] to end, turn.

3rd row: 1ch (does not count as a st), [4dc,3ch and 4dc all in next chsp] to end.
Fasten off and join side seam.
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Crochet Flower Blanket

 Approximately 105 x 150cm/41¼ x 59in

  • 2 x 50g (125m) balls (100% wool) in each of Cream (03), Cerise (054), Red (055), Mauve (063),Peppermint (073), Lime (084), Yellow (094), Orange (102), Ivory (111) and Beige (112)*.
  •  Size 4.50 crochet hook.

Each flower measures 7.5 x 7.5cm, using 4.50 hook.

Ch, chain; 
st, stitch;
 dc, double crochet; 
tr, treble; 
slst, slip stitch.

Yarn amounts are based on average requirements and are therefore approx. Instructions in square brackets are worked as stated after 2nd bracket.


First flower motif

1st round: With 4.50 hook and first colour, make a slip ring as follows: wind yarn round index finger of left hand to form a ring, insert hook into ring, yarn over hook and pull through, 1ch (does 22 Knitting from WWnot count as a st), work 8dc in ring, slst in first dc, pull end of yarn tightly to close ring – 8 sts. Fasten off.

Join in second colour.

2nd round: [3ch, 2tr in base of 3ch, 3ch,slst in each of next 2dc] 4 times, working 2nd slst of last repeat in base of 3ch at beginning.

3rd round: [3ch, 3tr in next tr, 3ch – petal tip made, 3tr in next tr, 3ch, slst in each of next 2 slst] 4 times.

Fasten off.
Centre highlight round: With right side facing and using 4.50 hook, hold third colour behind flower and inserting hook though sts of 1st round work, [slst in next st] 8 times. Fasten off. 

To make blanket

Varying colours for every following flower, work 1st and 2nd rounds as given for first flower.

Work join as follows: 3rd round: [3ch, 3trin next tr, 1ch, slst in 3ch petal tip of last flower worked, 1ch, 3tr in next tr, 3ch, slst in each of next 2 slst] twice, [3ch, 3tr in next tr, 3ch – petal tip made, 3tr in next tr, 3ch, slst in each of next 2 slst] twice.

Fasten off. Work centre highlight round as before.
Continuing in this way, make and join a total of 20 rows of 14 flowers across.
Note that after completing the first row of flowers, the 2nd to 14th flowers of every row should be joined to the flowers on the row above and the flowers to the side.

Crochet Leaves Jazz Top


Finished Size
 32" wide, 25" long and 30" on the diagonal.

  •  Yarn 189 yd [175 m]/13/4 oz [50 g]
  • Hook Size F/5 (3.75 mm). Adjust hook size if necessary to obtain correct gauge.
  • Notions St markers (m), yarn needle.

14 dc = 4"; 4 rows in collar band = 13/ 8"; motif = 5" wide by 8" long. 

Patt is worked beg with collar band.
Motifs are joined to collar band and to each other as specified in the assembly diagram.
Motifs are numbered for clarity in connecting to each other and to the collar.


Collar Band

Rnd 1: Work 80 fsc (See Glossary), sl st in first fsc to join—80 fsc.
Rnd 2: Ch 3 (counts as dc throughout), dc in each sc around, sl st in first dc to join—80 dc.
Rnd 3: Ch 3, *dc in next 3 dc, 2 dc in next dc; rep from * around, sl st in first dc to join—100 dc.
Rnd 4: Ch 3, dc in each dc around, sl st in first dc to join. Fasten off.

 Ch 5, sl st in first ch to form ring.   
Rnd 1: Ch 1, 15 sc in ring, sl st in first sc to join.
Rnd 2: Ch 5 (counts as first dc and ch-2 sp), sk next sc, [dc in next sc, ch 2, sk next sc] 3 times, (dc, ch 3, dc) in next sc, ch 2, sk next sc, [dc in next sc, ch 2] 3 times, sl st in first dc to join, turn—9 dc, 8 ch-2 sps, 1 ch-3 sp.
Rnd 3: (RS) Ch 1, (hdc, sc, hdc) in next ch-2 sp (beg of crown), *[sc in next dc, 2 sc in next ch-2 sp] 3 times, sc in next dc*, 3 sc in next ch-3 sp; rep from * to *, (hdc, sc, hdc) in last ch-2 sp, sl st in tch to join, turn—25 sc, 4 hdc.
Beg work in rnds without joining.
Rnd 4: Ch 3, sk first 3 sts, sc in next 11 sc, 3 sc in next sc, sc in next 11 sc, ch 3, sk next 3 sts, working around Rnd 3, sc in first dc on Rnd 2—2 ch-3 sps, 26 sc.
Rnd 5: 5 hdc in next ch-3 sp, [sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc] 6 times, 3 sc in next sc, [2 sc in next sc, sc in next sc] 6 times, 5 hdc in next ch-3 sp, ch 2, (sc, ch 2, sc) in last sc, do not join—10 hdc, 41 sc, 2 ch-2 sps.
Rnd 6: Ch 2, sk first 2 hdc, sc in next hdc, ch 2, sk next 2 hdc, [dc in next sc, ch 2, sk next st] 8 times, dc in next sc, ch 2, sk next 2 sc, dc in next sc, [ch 2, dc in same st] 2 times, ch 2, sk next 2 sc, [dc in next sc, ch 2, sk next sc] 8 times, dc in next sc, ch 2, sk next 2 hdc, sc in next hdc, ch 2, sk next 2 hdc, 2 sc in next ch-2 sp, sk next st, 2 sc in next ch-2 sp—6 sc, 21 dc, 24 ch-2 sps.
Rnd 7: Ch 2, sk next ch-2 sp, (2 dc, 2 tr, 2 dc) in next sc, ch 2, sk next ch-2 sp and next dc, [dc in next ch-2 sp, ch 2] 9 times, sk next dc and ch-2 sp, dc in next dc, [ch 2, dc in same dc] 2 times, ch 2, sk next ch-2 sp and next dc, [dc in next ch-2 sp, ch 2] 9 times, sk next dc and next ch-2 sp, (2 dc, 2 tr, 2 dc) in next sc, sk next ch-2 sp, sl st in next sc, ch 5, sk next 2 sc, sl st in next sc—22 ch-2 sps, 1 ch-5 sp, 29 dc, 4 tr.
Rnd 8: Sk next 3 sts, 7 dtr (see Glossary) in sp before next tr, ch 1, sk next 3 sts, *[tr, ch 1] 3 times in next ch-2 sp, hdc in next ch-2 sp, ch 1*; rep from * to * 4 times, sk next dc, dc in next ch-2 sp, ch 1, (dc, tr, dtr, tr,dc) in next dc (tip), ch 1, dc in next ch-2 sp, ch 1, sk next dc, **hdc in next ch-2 sp, ch 1, [tr, ch 1] 3 times in next ch-2 sp**; rep from ** to ** 4 times, sk next 3 sts, 7 dtr in sp before next tr, sk next 3 sts, (sc, tr) in next ch- 5 sp, (ch 1, tr in same sp) 4 times,
sc in same sp, ch 5, sk next 4 dtr, sc in next dtr, turn.

Motifs are joined on Rnd 9 as foll: Refer to assembly diagram to determine which ripple(s) of current motif will be joined to a previous motif or to the collar. Work current motif to center st of ripple or crown to be joined, ch 3, sl st in corresponding st on previous motif or collar, ch 3, sl st in base of previous ch-3, cont around working additional joins where indicated.
When joining to collar, choose joining st so that motifs lie flat. 

Motifs 1–10, 13, 14, 17–19:

Rnd 9: Ch 1, 7 tr in first ch-5 sp, sk next 2 ch-1 sps, 3 dc in next tr (crown), 7 tr in
center dtr of next 7-dtr group, sc in each st and ch-1 sp around, sl st in first tr to join.
Fasten off.

Motifs 11, 12, 15, 16:
Rnd 9: Ch 1, 7 tr in first ch-5 sp, sk next 2 ch-1 sps, 3 dc in next tr (crown), 7 tr in center dtr of next 7-dtr group, sc in each st and ch-1 sp to center of tip, ch 6, sl st in base of ch, turn, 3 sc in ch-6 sp, ch 3, sl st in 3rd ch from hook, 3 sc in ch-6 sp, sc in each st and ch-1 sp around, sl st in first tr to join.

Weave in ends. Block. 

Crochet Casual Vest

Skill Level

S (M, L, XL, 2X)

Finished Measurements
Bust 35 (38¼, 42, 45½, 49)”
Length 24 (24½, 25¼, 25¾, 26½)”
Hip 39 (42, 45, 48, 51)”

  • 1 (1, 2, 2, 2) skeins Kristin Omdahl Yarns Be So Fine (4oz/115g, 650yds/594m, 100% bamboo) in Blue Danuce (A)
  • skein in each Iced Silver Fox (B) and Pink Damask (C)
  • Size G/6 (4mm) crochet hook, or size to obtain correct gauge
  • Yarn needle

16 dc and 6½ dc rows = 4” (10 cm) after blocking

Special Stitches
V-st: (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in indicated st or sp
3-dc cl (3 double crochet cluster): [Yo, pull up a loop, yo and draw through 2 loops on hook] 3 times in indicated st or sp, yo and draw through all 4 loops on hook.
Reverse dc: * Yo, working from left to right, pull up a loop in next st to the right, (3 loops on hook), (yo and draw through 2 loops on hook) twice; rep from * for Reverse dc. This is similar to Crab st, except using dc instead of sc sts.


ch – chain  
dc – double crochet
rep – repeat
sc – single crochet
sk – skip
sl st – slip stitch
sp – space
st – stitch

Garment is worked in one piece from the top down.
To change colors, work last st of old color to last yarn over, yarn over with new color and draw through loop(s) on hook.



With A, ch 42 (50, 58, 66, 74). 

Row 1 (RS): Sk 2 ch, 2 dc in 3rd ch from hook, dc in each of next 3 (4, 5, 6, 7) ch, V-st in next ch, dc in each of next 7 (9, 11, 13, 15) ch, V-st in next ch, dc in next 14 (16, 18, 20, 22) ch, V-st in next ch, dc in each of next 7 (9, 11, 13, 15) ch, V-st in next ch, dc in each of next 3 (4, 5, 6, 7) ch, 2 dc in last ch, turn — 54 (62, 70, 78, 86) dcs.
Row 2: Ch 2 (does not count as st), 2 dc in first dc, * dc in each dc to next ch-2 sp, V-st in ch-2 sp; rep from * 3 times, dc in each st to last dc, 2 dc in last dc, turn — 72 (80, 88, 96, 104) dc.
Rep the last row twice more — 108 (116, 124, 132, 140) dc.
Next row: Ch 3 (counts as 1 dc), * dc in each st to next ch-2 sp, V-st in next ch-2 sp; rep from * 3 times, dc in each st to end, turn — 124 (132, 140, 148, 156) dcs
Rep the last row 8 (9, 10, 11, 12) more times — 252 (276, 300, 324, 348) dc.

Lower Body

Row 1: Ch 3 (counts as 1 dc), dc in each of next 33 (36, 39, 42, 45) dc for front, ch 3 (4, 5, 6, 7) for underarm, sk next 59 (65, 71, 77, 83) dc for armhole, dc in each of next 66 (72, 78, 84, 90) dc for back, ch 3 (4, 5, 6, 7) for underarm, sk next 59 (65, 71, 77, 83) dc for armhole, dc in each of last 34 (37, 40, 43, 46) for front, turn — 140 (154, 168, 182, 196) sts including ch sts at underarms.

Row 2: Ch 3 (counts as 1 dc), dc in each of next 5 (6, 5, 5, 5) sts, 2 dc in next st, * dc in each of next 7 (9, 12, 16, 22) sts, 2 dc in next st; rep from * 16 (14, 12, 10, 8) more times, dc in each of last 5 (6, 5, 5, 5) sts – 157 (169, 181, 193, 205) sts.

Begin Lace Pattern

Row 1: Ch 1, sc in first st, * ch 3, sk 3 sts, sc in next st; rep from * to end, turn.
Row 2: Ch 1, sc in first st, * sc in next ch-3 sp, ch 3, (dc, ch 2, dc) in next ch-3 sp, ch 3, sc in next ch-3 sp; rep from * to end, sc in last sc, turn.
Change to B.
Row 3: Ch 3 (counts as 1 dc), * 3 dc in next ch-3 sp, 5 dc in next ch-2 sp, 3 dc in next ch-3 sp; rep from * to end, dc in last sc, turn.
Change to C.
Row 4: Ch 3 (counts as 1 dc), * sk 3 sts, 3-dc cl in sp before next st, ch 1, sk next st, (3-dc cl in next st, ch 1) 3 times, sk next st 3-dc cl in sp before next st, sk 3 sts; rep from * to end,dc in last st, turn.
Change to A.
Row 5: Ch 1, sc in first dc, sc in next ch-1 sp, (ch 3, sc) in each of next 3 ch-1 sps, * dc in sp between 2 3-dc groups 2 rows below, sc in next ch-1 sp, (ch 3, sc) in each of next 3 ch-1 sps; rep from * to end, sc in last st, turn.
Rep rows 2 – 5 only 8 more times, then rep Row 2 once more.
Do not fasten off.

Work evenly in Reverse dc around edge of vest, working 3 dc in each bottom corner. Join with sl st in first dc.
Fasten off.

Front Ties ( Make 2 )
Join A with sl st to left front at edge of second row of Lace Pattern, ch for about 15”, then fasten off.
Make other Tie the same on opposite side.

Weave in loose ends. Hand wash and block to schematic measurements.

Crochet Bedazzled Swing Jacket

• Size G/6/4mm crochet hook or size needed to obtain gauge .
• Tapestry needle
• Beading needle 
• Size 6/0 blue glass seed beads: 80 [92, 104, 104, 116]
• Size 6/0 clear glass seed beads: 55 [61, 67, 71, 77]
• Sewing thread
• Straight pins
• Stitch markers

3 pat st reps = 4 inches; 6 rows =  4 inches

Finished Sizes
Instructions given fit woman’s size small; changes for medium, large, X-large and 2X-large are in [ ].

Finished Measurements
Bust: 38 inches (small) [42 inches (medium), 46 inches (large), 50 inches (X-large), 54 inches (2X-large)]
Length: 18–24 inches depending on blocking or addition of extra rows .

Pattern Notes :
Jacket is crocheted from the neckline down. Beads are strungand added before last row of Body and before completing the Sleeves.
Fronts overlap slightly so they can be secured with a brooch orshawl pin.
Jacket is meant to fit very loosely. 
For longer Jacket, [rep row 5]6 times.
Chain-4 at beginning of rowcounts as first double treblecrochet unless otherwise stated.
Weave in loose ends as workprogresses.
Join with slip stitch as indicatedunless otherwise stated.

Special Stitches 
Ch4, SC in indicated st or sp .
Pattern stitch (pat st):

a tr dec with first tr in next 
sk next 5 sc, 
work 2nd trin 
next picot, 
picot in last tr postmade, 
3 sc in same tr post, 
sc in 
same picot as last tr post , ch 3 .

Pattern increase (pat inc): 
Working tr dec, work first tr in 
top of next tr dec st, sk next ch-3 
sp, work 2nd tr in next sc, picot 
over top of last tr made, 3 sc 
over same tr post, sc in same sc 
as last tr post, ch 3, sk 4 sc, tr in 
next picot, picot over top of last 
tr post made, 3 sc over same tr 
post, sc in same picot as last tr 
post, ch 3.

chain-3 picot (Ch-3 picot ): 
Ch 3, sl st in 3rd ch from hook.



Row 1 (RS): 

Beg at neckline, ch 93 [105, 117, 129, 141], sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in next ch, [ch 2,sk 1 ch, sc in each of next 2 chs]across, turn. (30 [34, 38, 42, 46] ch-2 sps) .

Row 2: Ch 4 (see Pattern Notes), tr dec (see Stitch Guide) in first and 2nd ch-2 sps, picot (see Special Stitches), sc in post (see Stitch Guide) of last tr, 3 sc in post of last tr, sc in same sc as last tr, ch 3, [tr dec in next 2 ch-2 sps, picot in last tr post made, 3 sc in same post of last tr, sc in same sc as last tr made, ch 3]across, dtr (see Stitch Guide) in last sc, turn. (15 [17, 19, 21,23] picots)

Row 3: Ch 4, pat st (see Special Stitches) across, ending with dtr in beg ch-4, turn.
Row 4: Ch 4, pat st 3 [4, 5, 6,7] times, pat inc (see Special Stitches) 9 [9, 9, 9, 9] times, pat st 3 [4, 5,6, 7] times, dtr in beg ch-4, turn. (24 [26, 28, 30, 32] picots)

Row 5: Ch 4, pat st across, dtr in beg ch-4, turn. 
Row 6: Ch 4, pat st 3 [4, 5, 6, 7] times, pat inc 6 [5, 4, 5, 5] times, pat st 3 [8, 5, 3, 3] times, pat inc 1[0, 1, 3, 2] time(s), pat st 2 [0,4, 2, 3] times, pat inc 6 [5, 4, 5, 5] times, pat st 3 [4, 5, 6, 7] times, dtr in beg ch-4, turn. (37 [36, 37,43, 44] picots)    
Row 7: Rep row 5.  

Sizes Medium & 2X-Large Only

Row [8]: Ch 4, pat st [5, 8]times, pat inc [3, 5] times, pat st [10, 9] times, pat inc [1, 1] time, pat st [9, 8] times, pat inc [3, 5]times, pat st [5, 8] times, dtr in beg ch-4, turn. ([43, 55] picots)

Sizes Small, Large &  X-Large Only

Row 8: Ch 4, pat st 4 [6, 8]times, pat inc 2 [5, 5] times, pat st 25 [15, 17] times, pat inc 2 [5, 5] times, pat st 4 [6, 8]times, dtr in beg ch-4, turn. (41 [47, 53] picots)

All Sizes 
Rows 9–15: Rep row 5. (41 [43,47, 53, 55] picots)  


Row 16: Ch 4, pat st across 5[6, 7, 8, 8] times, *tr in next ch-3 sp, sk next 9 [9, 9, 11, 11] picots, place stitch marker in first and last picots sk, [ch 6, sc in 6th ch from hook, ch 5, tr in 5th ch from hook] 2 [2, 2, 3, 3] times (armhole opening)*, beg in first ch-3 sp after 2nd marked picot, pat st 13 [13, 15, 15, 17] times,rep from * to *, beg in first ch-3 sp after 2nd marked picot, pat st 5 [6, 7, 8, 8] times, dtr in beg ch-4, turn.     

Row 17: Ch 4, pat st 5 [6, 7, 8,8] times, *[pat st, working tr dec with first tr in ch-4 sp and 2nd tr in ch-6 sp] 2 [2, 2, 3, 3] times*,pat st 13 [13, 15, 15, 17] times,rep from * to *, pat st 5 [6, 7, 8,8] times, dtr in beg ch-4, turn.(27 [29, 33, 37, 39] picots) 

Rows 18–21: Rep row 5.
Row 22: Ch 4, pat st across, ending last pat st with ch 2 instead of ch 3, dtr in beg ch-4,turn.
Row 23: Sc, ch 4 in ch-2 sp, dtr in first picot, pat st 26 [28, 32,36, 38] times, ending last pat st with ch 2 instead of ch 3, dtr in beg ch-4, turn.  
Row 24: Sc, ch 4 in ch-2 sp, dtr in first picot, work 1 pat st, (sc, ch 11, sc, ch 4) in same picot as 
last tr post of pat st, (sc, ch 14, sc, ch 3, sc, ch 16, sc, ch 4) in next picot, (sc, ch 16, sc, ch 3, sc, ch 16, sc, ch 4) in next picot 20 [22, 26, 28, 32] times, (sc, ch 16, sc, ch 3, sc, ch 14, sc, ch 4) in next picot, (sc, ch 11, sc, ch 3, sc,ch 3) in next picot, pat st in last ch-4 sp and picot, dtr in beg ch4, turn.

Note: On row 25 the ch lps are held tog and sts are worked in the open sp of both lps (see illustration). 
Row 25: Ch 4, sc, ch 4 in first picot, tr dec working first tr in same picot as last sc, (sk ch 3, sc), work 2nd tr post in ch-3sp, ch 4, sc, ch 4, in last tr post,*hold next ch-11 and ch-14 lps tog right over left (2 sc, ch 3, 2 sc, ch 4) in center of lps*, [hold next 2 ch-16 lps tog left over right, (2 sc, ch 3, 2 sc, ch 4) in center of lps, hold next 2 ch-16 lps tog right over left, (2 sc, ch 3, 2 sc, ch 4) in center of lps] 11 [12, 14, 15, 17] times, rep from * to *, ch 4, tr dec working first tr in next ch-3 sp and 2nd tr in picot, ch 4, sc in last tr post, ch 4, sc in same picot as last tr post, dtr in ch-4 sp, turn.

Sizes Small, X-Large &2X-Large Only

Row 26:  Work 3 sc, ch 7, in first picot, sk ch-4 sp *{2 sc, ch 3 in next ch-3 sp, (2 sc, ch 3, 2 sc, ch 3) in next ch-4 sp, 2 sc, ch7 in next ch-3 sp*, sk next ch-4 sp} 5 [7, 8] times, sk next ch-4 sp, (tr, ch 3, dtr, ch 3, tr, ch 3) in next ch-3 sp, sk next ch-4 sp, rep between { } 4 [6, 7] times, rep from * to *, 3 sc, ch 4 in last picot, sl st in next ch-4 sp.
Fasten off.

Sizes Medium & Large Only

Row [26]: Work 3 sc, ch 3 in next picot, {(2 sc, ch 3, 2 sc, ch 3) in next ch-4 sp, 2 sc, ch 7, in 
next ch-3 sp, sk next ch-4 sp, 2 sc, ch 3 in next ch-3 sp} [6, 7] times, sk ch-4 sp, (tr, ch 3, dtr, ch 3, tr, ch 3) in next ch-3 sp, sk next ch-4 sp, 2 sc, ch 7, in next ch-3 sp, sk next ch-4 sp, 2 sc, ch 3 in next ch-3 sp, rep between { } [5, 6] times, (2 sc, ch 3, 2 sc, ch 3) in next ch-4 sp, 3 sc, ch 4 in next picot, sl st in next ch-4 sp.
Fasten off, turn.

String beads for size as indicated below.
When Bottom Edging is completed, rem clear beads are for Sleeves. 
Small: 80 blue and 41 clear as follows: [1 clear, 3 blue, 1 clear, 3 blue, 1 clear] 6 times, [2 clear, 4 blue, 1 clear, 4 blue, 2 clear] once, [1 clear, 3 blue, 1 clear, 3 blue, 1 clear] 6 times.
Medium: 92 blue and 47 clear as follows: [1 clear, 3 blue, 1 clear, 3 blue, 1 clear] 7 times, [2 clear, 4 blue, 1 clear, 4 blue, 2 clear] once, [1 clear, 3 blue,  1 clear, 3 blue, 1 clear] 7 times.

Large & X-Large: 104 blue and 53 clear as follows: [1 clear, 3 blue, 1 clear, 3 blue, 1 clear] 8 times, [2 clear, 4 blue, 1 clear, 4 blue, 2 clear] once, [1 clear, 3 blue1 clear, 3 blue, 1 clear] 8 times.
2X-Large: 116 blue and 59 clear as follows: [1 clear, 3 blue, 1 clear, 3 blue, 1 clear] 9 times,[2 clear, 4 blue, 1 clear, 4 blue, 2 clear] once, [1 clear, 3 blue, 1 clear, 3 blue, 1 clear] 9 times.


Sizes Small, X-Large & 2X-Large Only

Row 27: Join (see Pattern Notes), ch 1, sc in last ch-4 sp of previous row close to 3 sc, sl st across 3 sc, {(6 sc, ch-3 picot— see Special Stitches, 6 sc) in next ch-7 sp, sl st in next 2 sts, ch 1, 2 sc, ch 1 in next ch-3 sp, sk next 2 sc, (sc, ch 1, push up next 9 beads, ch 2 behind beads, sc, ch 1) in next ch-3 sp, sk next 2 sc, 2 sc, ch 1 in next ch-3 sp, sl st in next 2 sc} 5 [7, 8] times, (6 sc, ch-3 picot, 6 sc) in next ch-7 sp, 4 sc, ch 1 in next ch-3 sp, push up 9 beads, ch 2, behind beads, sk next tr, (4 sc, ch 1) in next ch-3 sp, push up 13 beads, ch 2, behind beads, sk next dtr, (4 sc, ch 1) in next ch-3 sp, push up 9 beads, ch 2, behind beads, sk next tr, 4 sc in next ch-3 sp, sl st in next 2 sc, rep between { } 5 [7, 8] times, (6 sc, ch-3 picot, 6 sc) in next ch-7 sp, sl st in next 3 sc,
do not fasten off, proceed to Front & Neckline Edging.

Sizes Medium & Large Only

Row [27]: Join (see Pattern Notes), ch 1, sc in last ch-4 sp of previous row close to 3 sc, sl st across 3 sc, {*ch 1, 2 sc, ch 1 in next ch-3 sp, sk next 2 sc, (sc, ch 1, push up 9 beads, ch 2 behind beads, sc, ch 1) in next ch-3 sp, sk next 2 sc, (2 sc, ch 1) in next ch-3 sp*, sl st in next 2 sc, (6 sc,ch-3 picot, 6 sc) in next ch-7 sp, sl st in next 2 sc} [6, 7] times, (4 sc, ch 1) in next ch-3 sp, push up 9 beads, ch 2 behind beads,sk next tr, (4 sc, ch 1) in next ch-3 sp, push up 13 beads, ch 2 behind beads, sk next dtr, (4 sc,ch 1) in next ch-3 sp, push up 9 beads, ch 2, behind beads, sk next tr, 4 sc in next ch-3 sp, (6 sc, ch-3 picot, 6 sc) in next ch-7 sp, sl st in next 2 sc, rep between { } [5, 6] times, rep from * to *, sl st in next 3 sc, 
do not fasten off, proceed to Front & Neckline Edging.

Work (5 sc over next ch-4 sp) 5 times, sc, ch 1 in picot, working along Front edge, work sc in both outside lps and in picot between rows as follows, *(8 sc, ch 1 in 2 outer ch rows, sc, ch 1 in picot)* 10 times, 3 sc in last half sp, 4 sc in first sc of neck edge, working along neck, sk 1 sc, [(2 sc, ch 1) in next ch-2 sp,sk 2 sc, (sc, ch 2, 2 dc) in next ch-2 sp, sk next 2 sc] 7 [8, 9, 10, 11] times, 2 sc in last ch-2 sp,sk next sc, 4 sc in last sc of neck edge, working along front edge, rep from * to * 11 times, (5 sc in next ch-4 sp) 4 times, 4 sc in last ch-4 sp with beg sc of row 27, join in beg sc. Fasten off.

Note: Sleeves are worked on RS of Jacket. Right Sleeve is worked from front of Jacket to back, Left Sleeve is worked from back of Jacket to front. String 7 [7, 7, 9, 9] clear beads on yarn for each Sleeve.  


Row 1: Join yarn, ch 1, sc in picot with stitch marker in row 16 of Body at front of Jacket, ch 1, sk next 5 sc, (dc in next ch-4 sp) twice, ch 1, sk tr, (hdc, ch 5 in ch-6 lp of row 16, hdc in tr post of row 16, ch 5) 1 [1, 1, 2, 2] time(s), hdc, ch 5 in ch-6 lp of row 16, hdc in tr post of row 16, ch 1, (dc in next ch-4 sp) twice, ch 1, working in picots around the Sleeve, [(sc, ch 7, sc, ch 3, sc, ch 9, sc, ch 5) in next picot, (sc,ch 9, sc, ch 3, sc, ch 13, sc, ch 5) in next picot, (sc, ch 13, sc, ch 3, sc, ch 13, sc, ch 5) in next picot] 5 [5, 5, 7, 7] times, (sc, ch 13, sc, ch 3, sc, ch 9, sc, ch 5) in next picot, (sc, ch 9, sc, ch 3, sc, ch 7) in next picot, join to beg sc, sl st in ch-1 and dc, (sc, ch 3) in sp before next dc, turn.

Row 2: Ch 1, (sc, ch 3, sc, ch 5) in next ch-7 sp, (worked same as row 25 of Body) hold tog ch-9 lps right over left, (2 sc, ch 3, 2 sc, ch 5) in center of lps, [hold tog next 2 ch-13 lps left over right, (2 sc, 
ch 3, 2 sc, ch 5) in center of lps, hold tog next 2 ch-13 lps right over left, (2 sc, ch 3, 2 sc, ch 5) in center of lps] 3 [3, 3, 5, 5] times, hold tog ch-9 lps left over right, (2 sc, ch 3, 2 sc, ch 5) in center of lps, (sc, ch 3, sc, ch 3) over ch-7 lp, sc between next 2 dc and in next ch-1 sp, turn.

Row 3: Ch 5, sk ch-3 and sc, (sc, ch 3) in ch-3 sp, (sc, ch 2, sc, ch 2) in next ch-5 sp, [(sc, ch 2) twice in next ch-3 sp, sc, ch 1, push up 1 bead, ch 2 behind bead, (sc, ch 2) over next ch-5 sp] 7 [7, 7, 9, 9] times, (sc, ch 2) twice in next ch-3 sp, (sc, ch 2, sc, ch 2) in next ch-5 sp, (sc, ch 5) in ch-3 sp, sk next sc, ch-3 and dc, sc in ch-1 sp and in picot with stitch marker, do not turn.

Row 4: Sc in same ch-1 sp, (**2 sc, 2 hdc, 2 sc, in next ch-5 sp**) 3 [3, 3, 4, 4] times, 2 sc in ch-1 sp, rep from ** to ** once, sk next sc, (ch 1, 2 sc, ch 1) in ch-2 sp, sk next sc, (sc, ch 1) twice in ch-2 sp, (2 sc, ch 1) in ch-2 sp, [(sc, ch 1, sc, ch 1) in ch-3 sp, (2 sc, ch 1) in ch-2 sp, sk next sc, (sc, ch 3) in next ch-1 sp before bead, (sc, ch 1) in ch-2 sp after bead, push bead through st to front, sk next sc, (2 sc, ch 1) in ch-2 sp] 7 [7, 7, 9, 9] times, (sc, ch 1, sc, ch 1) in ch-3 sp, sk next sc, (sc, ch 1) twice in  next ch-2 sp, (2 sc, ch 1) in next ch-2 sp, rep from  ** to ** once, join in beg sc. Fasten off.


Row 1: Join yarn, ch 1, sc in picot with stitch marker in row 16 of Body at back of Jacket, ch 1, sk 5 sc, (dc in next ch-4 sp) twice, ch 1, sk next tr, [*(hdc, ch 5) in ch-6 lp of row 16, hdc over tr post of row 16*, ch 5] 1 [1, 1, 2, 2] time(s), (hdc, ch 5) in ch-6 lp of row 16, hdc over tr post of row 16, ch 1, dc in ch-6 sp, dc in ch-4 sp, ch 1, working in picot around Sleeve, (sc, ch 7, sc, ch 3, sc, ch 9, sc, ch 5) in next picot, (sc, ch 9, sc, ch 3, sc, ch 13, sc, ch 5) in next picot, [(sc, ch 13, sc, ch 3, sc, ch 13, sc, ch 5) in next picot] 5 [5, 5, 7, 7] times, (sc, ch 13, sc, ch 3, sc, ch 9, sc, ch 5) in next picot, (sc, ch 9, sc, ch 3, sc, ch 7) in next picot, join in beg sc, sl st over ch-1 and dc, sc, ch 3 in sp before next dc, turn.

Rows 2–4: Rep rows 2–4 of Right Sleeve.

Steam Jacket with iron holding iron above surface of Jacket. Do not block by touching iron to surface.